How To Spot Ticks

What is a tick?

Ticks are members of the arachnid family (related to spiders and scorpions) that feed off the blood of other animals. They can vary in length from 1mm to 1cm and have an egg-shaped body that becomes larger and darker as it fills with blood. Before feeding, they’re about the size of a sesame seed; after feeding they can grow as big as a coffee bean.

These parasites are most commonly found in wooded, grassy and heathland areas between spring and autumn, although they remain active throughout the year. Ticks don’t fly or jump; instead, they climb or drop on to animals and attach themselves using their mouth before feeding. They will usually feed on their host for a few days before dropping off once they’ve had enough.

As well as causing irritation and discomfort, ticks are one of the biggest spreaders of serious blood-borne diseases (second only to mosquitoes). In the UK these diseases include Lyme disease, which can have devastating effects.

All pets and humans can attract ticks, but dogs are more at risk due to their increased exposure and inquisitive nature on walks.

How to spot a tick

Ticks are often big enough to see and they feel like a small bump on your pet’s skin. It’s a good idea to run your hands over your pet after they’ve been outdoors to check for lumps and bumps which may be a tick. Regular grooming sessions also provide a great opportunity to do this.

Ticks tend to attach around the head, neck, ears and feet so be sure to pay attention to these areas.

By the time you spot a tick, it’s usually already latched on to your pet’s skin, but you may see an unfed tick on the surface of their fur. Unfed ticks are brown with a dark brown mouth area, while fed ticks are round and grey in colour.

How to remove ticks

If you do find a tick on your pet, don’t panic. They can be removed quickly and easily, and infection can be prevented if done within 24 hours. 

We highly recommend contacting your vet and getting the vet or a nurse to correctly remove the tick for you. If any part of the tick is left in place, this can cause infection, which is why we recommend removal by a vet.

Keep an eye on your pet over the next few days and check the bite area for any signs of infection or irritation. If this does occur, speak to your vet immediately.

Lost rabbit.jpgRabbit ticks

Although not common, rabbits are also susceptible to ticks. These small parasites, of which the two primary species are ixodid ticks and argasid ticks, feed and live for part of their life on our rabbits. They can carry diseases that could potentially be fatal for rabbits, and the longer they feed off a rabbit the more likely they are to infect the rabbit and have an impact on their health.

Ticks will be harder to spot on a longhaired rabbit, so it's important to groom and pet your rabbit daily to feel for bumps. Ticks are mainly drawn to the rabbits ears, face, legs and dewlap as they're softer areas, so focus on these areas when petting.

Some of the diseases that ticks can spread to rabbits are:

If you have an outdoor rabbit the best prevention is to keep your lawn short, as ticks thrive in longer grass, avoid your rabbit playing in leaves and ensure hutches are kept clean to avoid any eggs laid by ticks to develop and hatch.

If you suspect your pet might have a tick, and don't feel comfortable safely removing it yourself, please contact your vet.

How to prevent ticks

While it’s near impossible to prevent your pet’s exposure to ticks, effective parasite prevention will kill or repel them if they do attach to your pet’s skin.

There are various types of preventative treatment available from your vet, including spot-on formulas and tablets, your vet will be able to advise you on the best option based on your pet’s lifestyle and environment. They’ll also be aware of any common tick-transmitted diseases in your area that may need to be considered.

Regular parasite treatment is included as part of the Medivet Healthcare Plan. A cost-effective way to ensure your pet is protected from ticks all-year round.

Diseases transmitted by ticks

Ticks can transmit various diseases by feeding on the blood of an infected animal and subsequently passing it on to their next host.

Ticks can transmit Lyme disease to both pets and humans. This bacterial disease comprises of three stages and can result in kidney damage, arthritis and cardiac issues if left untreated. While not all ticks carry this disease, it’s impossible to identify the ones that do, so it’s essential to protect your pet.

Ticks can also transmit ehrlichiosis, a disease of the white blood cells which can cause fever, weight loss, stiffness and prolonged blood loss. Similarly, they can also carry babesiosis which is a potentially fatal disease of the red blood cells. While ehrlichiosis and babesiosis don’t usually occur in the UK, they’re both common in Europe, the USA and Africa so pose a risk to pets that travel to these areas.

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