Online Appointment Booking
How to book your appointments online
We’re excited to share with you that Medivet clients* can now book appointments online.

We’ve listened to feedback from our clients and understand that in today’s digital world, our clients are looking to quickly book appointments at any time of the day without the need to make a phone call. Of course you can still call us, but we think you’ll find online appointments faster and more convenient for booking appointments, leaving the phone lines free for when you really do need to talk to us about your pet.
How to get started
Before you book your first appointment, you will need to set up an online account. This will involve a very quick check to confirm that you are who you say you are and of course that you’re a Medivet client.
Please go to the website for your local practice, you can access this below.
Here you will find a ‘Book Appointment’ button underneath the practice name at the top of the page.
This will then take you to a log in screen. You may have seen something similar before; it’s called Auth0 and is a common way for businesses to authenticate users ahead of them accessing online booking systems.
What’s next
Once you’ve been authenticated by Auth0 (this will involve a verification email being sent to you), the next step is a screen that asks you to enter some details that relate to your Medivet account.
Surname | Postcode | Email Address
It’s important to ensure that you enter these details exactly as they are on your Medivet account. The email address may be different to the one that you’ve used for Auth0 at the start of your journey.
A final verification email will be sent, and this will include a button that says ‘Verify email & book appointment’ – you’re good to go!
This service is available at the majority of our practices**. In the event that your local practice is temporarily closed or is a satellite branch of a bigger practice – you may need to book at your next nearest Medivet practice, or of course you can call us, and we will explain the options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I unable to set-up an online account?
The main reason for not being able to set-up an account is that we’re unable to make an exact match against the details on your Medivet account. Please call your practice and confirm that the email address that you’re entering is the correct one and also that we have all spellings correct at our end.
Why can’t I see any available appointments?
Please contact your practice if you can’t see any appointments available. If you’re trying to book a routine appointment, you may find that there are future appointments available.
Why can’t I book an emergency appointment?
Our online booking system is not for emergency appointments. If your pet needs urgent treatment, please contact your local practice immediately.
Can I cancel or re-schedule my appointment online?
Yes, once you have booked an appointment online – you can easily cancel or re-schedule it online.
Can I book an online appointment at another Medivet practice if my practice is temporarily closed?
Yes, the practice name will default to your registered practice – but you can use the drop-down list to view and book appointments at other nearby practices.
*Applies to clients that are already registered with Medivet.
**Online appointment booking available at most of our practices but will not be available if a practice is temporarily closed, offering a reduced service or is a satellite practice.